Stránka 14 z 19
Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 25 led 2010, 18:14
od Hannibal
majco píše:ten Chalan je snat na drogách alebo sa nudí
som myslel že introš ostal krémový a to bol asi základ pre červenú.
preložtemu to niekto
Translation: That guy must be on drugs or bored
I thought the interior was supposed to be cream-colored and it was just a priming for the red.
Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 25 led 2010, 22:29
od Katy
ta prvni veta se snad prekladat ani nemusela ne ?

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 26 led 2010, 22:55
od Hannibal
Katy píše:ta prvni veta se snad prekladat ani nemusela ne ?

Profesní deformace - co dostanu, to přeložím

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 03 dub 2010, 08:36
od loshiq89
hallo my ffriends

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 03 dub 2010, 10:41
od Ok-9
Nice car

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 04 dub 2010, 20:50
od Katy
hm,,, change is good.
and rear bumper very good !
Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 04 dub 2010, 22:18
od loshiq89
thank you katy

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 05 dub 2010, 18:51
od liborko
tak ten introš je krutě červenej teda,to už je moc,v tom bych nemohl jezdit jak by mě z toho bolely oči

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 17 dub 2010, 17:49
od loshiq89

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 20 dub 2010, 20:44
od loshiq89
My new wheels 15" 8j PowerTech

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 25 dub 2010, 15:45
od loshiq89
foto and video" onclick=";return false;
Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 26 dub 2010, 22:34
od Katy
hm hm hm,.. it dosent seems bad, but biger before were better maybe
... hi, "fotky" - good, you learn .
Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 23 kvě 2010, 19:10
od loshiq89
hi punto fans

Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 23 kvě 2010, 19:14
od loshiq89
Re: MOJE PUNTO 1-Bulgaria fens :)
Napsal: 23 kvě 2010, 20:28
od jaysun
very nice color punto really pretty but the interior is not much about the red, I could not concentrate on driving